Another life update...

Morning lovelies,

I cannot believe how much time has flown by since I last did a blog post, it's quite scary if anything. So much has happened and changed, both good an bad but I am going to delve right into all the details for anyone who is interested and actually reads this post.

1) I have completed university!!

I have finally finished my degree after 3 long but amazing years and am now a qualified primary school teacher, how crazy. It baffles me thatI can actually say that at the relatively young age of 21. I'm very excited to embark on this journey and into my next stage of life. After around 7 interviews, I also have a job for September. I am going to be a teacher of a truly amazing Year 1 class and I cannot contain my excitement. I didn't initially was a job in KS1 but I surprisingly enjoyed teaching them for my interview task and thought why not?! I get more experience and it is a foot in the door. I've already been in to set up the classroom which is exciting and it's starting to feel so real now.

I also found out recently that I obtained a 2:1 from my degree which I was super proud with. The first couple of months of 1st Year were the worst months of my life with close family deaths and I didn't think I'd overcome them. to be honest. To say I went through all of that and came out with a 2:1, what an achievement?!

2) End of an era...

So very recently I ended an incredibly long toxic situation that I had been in with my ex for 5 years in total. It was all the promises that he'd end his current relationship and we'd get back together but after months of believing the lies and wishful thinking I finally just ended it. I don't deserve to be someone's back up plan and safety net so I reconsidered my self worth and realised that I'm worth a lot more than that and deserve a lot better than that. It is scary to say I haven't got him there anymore but I'm excited for what new opportunities could be on the horizon now. I am ready to be fully single for a bit as I am already going through a massive period of change I feel like everything else needs to sink in before I open my mind up for a new relationship.

3) Holidays!!

Since finishing uni I have been very fortunate to go on 2 holidays this summer: New York and Benidorm. Both were absolutely amazing but for very different reasons.

New York:

I went on the 1st of July with my Mum to NYC for a week as a 21st Birthday present and graduation present. It was one of the most phenomenal places ever. I got spoilt rotten by my Mum, we stayed in a hotel a 2 minute walk from Times Square and was on the 27th floor - the view was AMAZING. We saw Pretty Woman and The Waitress on Broadway and I was just constantly in awe the whole time. We did all the touristy things and I fell in love with the city. I would even go as far as saying I would consider moving over there in the future to work! I might do a whole post on the trip, to be honest as there is so much to talk about!


At the end of July I went to Benidorm with one of my best friends Emily and that was such a great holiday too. Very different from New York but a girls holiday was definitely needed. It was very much full of sunbathing, swimming and drinking. We met some lovely guys over there and I would say definitely met some good friends for the future. Met them on a night out and only after talking for a bit did we realise they were at the same hotel as us, so at that point it turned into a gals and guys holiday but it was really fun. That being said, those holidays never pass without the slightest bit of drama but we all overcame that stuff and had a bloody great time. The biggest negative with the holiday though was that I somehow managed to fall down two steps coming out of the toilets in one of the clubs and I now have tissue damage on one of my shins. The most painful thing I've ever experienced so far but I suppose it is a story to tell haha. Just a lot of rest and elevation now for it to heal as quickly as possible! Considering it is the summer holidays, it's the best time for something like this to happen!

So far I think they are the biggest moments that have happened so far since I last posted, I am excited to be getting back on track with blogging!

Until next time,

Erin xo


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