Another life update...
Morning lovelies, I cannot believe how much time has flown by since I last did a blog post, it's quite scary if anything. So much has happened and changed, both good an bad but I am going to delve right into all the details for anyone who is interested and actually reads this post. 1) I have completed university!! I have finally finished my degree after 3 long but amazing years and am now a qualified primary school teacher, how crazy. It baffles me thatI can actually say that at the relatively young age of 21. I'm very excited to embark on this journey and into my next stage of life. After around 7 interviews, I also have a job for September. I am going to be a teacher of a truly amazing Year 1 class and I cannot contain my excitement. I didn't initially was a job in KS1 but I surprisingly enjoyed teaching them for my interview task and thought why not?! I get more experience and it is a foot in the door. I've already been in to set up the classroom which is ex...